It’s not a good thing. What a personal strategy should be.


The vast majority of people have no personal strategy: they just don’t have one.

Many people do not even realize that such a category exists.

This, in fact, is the reason for the well-known paradox: there seem to be a lot of really talented, competent and ambitious people around, but only a few achieve any significant success. And even then, their results, as a rule, are incomparably small compared to their true potential. And the higher it is, the more often they are held hostage to it.

Life is a struggle for resources. Any development requires energy, which can be either accumulated from the environment or obtained from someone else. This principle is most clearly described by the idea of a food chain: plants absorb energy from the Sun, herbivores eat plants, taking it for themselves, and they, in turn, are fed by predators.

It is easy to see that as we go up the chain, the concentration of energy increases. At the same time, the struggle for it intensifies. Animals become more and more complexly organized and demonstrate more and more sophisticated patterns of behavior: some — to eat, others — not to be eaten.
The pyramid of civilization is organized in the same way. At its lower levels, resources are more or less evenly distributed and relatively easy to access. That is why the first steps to success are usually made spontaneously — due to a lucky coincidence of circumstances, a timely opportunity or a given opportunity.

In these conditions, the presence of an additional resource (your own — in the form of talents and abilities — or external, for example, received from parents status, money or simply good manners and the ability to dispose to people) can give you a decent starting advantage.

At first, having resources seems to be the key to success — obviously, the more you have, the more you can achieve.

However, as you move up the social ladder with your first successes, you may get the impression that the number of available opportunities only increases. They find you on their own: money attracts money, people attract people. Your resource base grows as if by magic, and your growth potential increases with it.

But this is nothing more than an illusion. In fact, your knowledge, experience and status are growing, thanks to which you can see more opportunities and use them more effectively. At the same time, you will need more and more resources with each next step. Sooner or later, the “free” opportunities end, and a fierce struggle unfolds for the remaining ones.

And here the element of chance or luck is very quickly reduced to zero.
So at some point, at the next career, professional or life fork, you will have to make a difficult choice.

Without the possibility of going back.

Because further development can be ensured only at the cost of complete concentration of all available opportunities in one direction.
At best.

Because in the worst case it will turn out that you simply do not have the necessary resources, they should have been collected in advance.

Just at this stage, the lack of a personal strategy becomes an insurmountable obstacle to further growth — because without it it is impossible to effectively manage existing opportunities or create new ones.
If you don’t set any goals and go with the flow, you will quickly fall off track. If you don’t know where you’re going, you’re likely to end up in the wrong place.

If you grab for everything, your strength will inevitably be atomized and moving forward will become impossible.

If you choose but do not have a system and a single vector of movement, your path will zigzag or turn into a fruitless walking in circles.

Chaotic movements are good only on the battlefield — to make it difficult for the enemy to aim. And that’s only for a while. For a person who wants to achieve a serious result, such throwing turns into inefficient resource consumption and slowing down. And sooner or later leads to a dead end.
Which they mistakenly believe to be their ceiling.

In fact, the key problem is that they have no personal strategy.
Consequently, there is no chance to move to the next level, after which real success begins.

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Fragile People — Psychology, Personal strategy
Fragile People — Psychology, Personal strategy

Written by Fragile People — Psychology, Personal strategy

Philosopher, psychologist. I write about people, psychology, life, business. Support:

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